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Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Yikes - I've been tagged!!!

Over the past few days I've gotten tagged, not once but twice (by Piglet Love and Signature Sterling ! I didn't even know in blogging terms what being "tagged" means, lol! I had to look it up! So here are the rules:
The Rules: Each player starts this game with 6 weird things about themselves. People who get tagged need to write on their own blog 6 weird things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says you're tagged in their comments and tell them to read your blog.So, without further ado...6 weird things about me:

1. I don't like most fried foods, but I LOVE fried dill pickles and fried green tomatoes. Seriously, I could eat enough to make myself sick.

2. If someone gave me a $100 shopping spree I would spend it on art supplies instead of shoes, clothes, or jewelry. Ok, if you are another artist or crafter you might not think this is weird, but a lot of my friends do.

3. I can wrap both my feet around the back of my head. No, I will NOT post a photo of this you'll just have to take my word for it. ;-)

4. You know how there are jokes and songs at Christmas time about how no one wants to eat the fruitcake. Well, I do - love it! Ok, don't ask me why, it is a little strange looking.

5. I do not like red roses. I know you probably think I am crazy, but I never have. I don't like how they get black around the edges as they die. I would prefer a bouquet of wildflowers over a dozen reds any day! My favorite flower? The lily of the valley - so small and sweet!

6. About 15 months ago I did not even know what blogs or forums were. Now, I have 3 blogs and I am a member of so many forums I could not even tell you how many. And now, I know what it means to be tagged! ;-)

Who I've tagged:
Sarah's Creations , My Babys Funky Junk , Beadiful Things , Ms.Belle , OneGirlieGirl , Such Pretty Colors
Have fun everyone!


AnnieRoso said...

Darn! Now I won't be able to tag MsBelle too! ;-) And I know so few bloggers....

Mimi said...

Andrea - It is fun, isn't it!! Funny, I love fried dill pickles, too!! I'll have to try the green tomatoes :) Peace,

Andrea said...

sorry beadiful ;-) at least it's a good way to "meet" people!
thanks sue - yep, you've got to try those tomatoes, lol!