Featuring Items from my Painted for You Shop at Etsy

you can find my items at www.paintedforyou.etsy.com

Saturday, November 10, 2007

More Holiday Items

to be found in my Etsy shop. I have been busy, busy, busy! Stop by and check them out. :-)

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Wishing everyone in blog land a safe and Happy Halloween!!!
artwork done by one of the young Picasso's at our house

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Lost tooth and to do list tiles

Time always moves way to quickly for me. There never seem to be enough hours in the day to get all the things done that I want and need to, and when it comes to my children - well, I feel like every time I blink they have grown a bit more.
Busy painting lots of "To Do List Tiles" for the upcoming Centerville Pumpkin Festival.
My baby - lost his first tooth the other night. How did he get to be such a big boy?

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Hello Again Blog!

Well, it has been a while! I finally got over bronchitis, but then seemed to get caught up in playing "catch up" with life! I've been busy with many new animal adventures - had a run in with a red tail hawk and a white corn snake one weekend. You can find out more on my Artwork blog. Then Friday night I found a baby toad on my front porch. I thought my boys would enjoy taking a quick look at the cute little fellow, so I brought him inside. He managed to jump out of my hands and all around our foyer. I finally caught him without hurting him, but the poor little guy must have been scared out of his wits, because he managed to pee all over me!!! Boy could that little guy pee!
I've also been busy getting ready for the Centerville Pumpkin Festival coming up on Oct. 20th, here in Richmond, VA. Hosted by Etsy - hooray, what fun!
I'll be posting other pumpkin and Halloween items soon!
And I've been painting a purse for a local charity auction run by LINC to help women with breast cancer. I am honored to have been asked to make this piece. Other local artists along with celebrities such as Sarah Jessica Parker and Adrianna Trigianni will be donating bags.
Not the toad who visited us, but a larger version of what our little guy looked like. Not to worry, I put him under the shrub next to our front porch after his exciting adventure.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Bronchitis and Polka Dots

I have gotten so behind on everything from housework to painting after having bronchitis the last week and a half. I am finally feeling human again, and managed to get this plate listed in my etsy shop today. Hooray! (it's the little things that make my day! ;-) )
Red and Lime Green Polka Dot Plate and Spreader Set

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

I've been featured!

I was recently contacted by Sally of Polka Dot Market about featuring my Halloween Personalized Tile on her blog Polka Dot Mom. I was honored to be asked! Stop by and check out her blog if you have the time, there are lots of adorable polka dot items made by other Etsymoms! Very cute stuff!!!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Update on Mourning Dove, and More

Just wanted to post an update on the little mourning dove. I drove and walked by the neighbors house several times yesterday, and every time I did I saw the mother mourning dove on the ground near the shrubs. So it looks like she was looking after her little one. I have not seen either one today, so I'm just hoping for the best.
More baby animal excitement though - our lab puppy found this little baby squirrel in our yard tonight! She is such a little cutie pie! You can find out more about her on my Artwork by Andrea Blog.
Seems to be our week for baby animal rescues!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Bird Adventures

We had a bit of excitement at our house last night. Driving back into our neighborhood after going out to eat last night I spotted this little fledgling in the middle of the road. I had my husband stop the car to let me out so I could see what the situation was. Although the little one could flutter a bit he/she was not flying yet. Probably a day or two from being properly fledged.
Since the neighbors dogs were out and it was about to storm I decided to take it home and figure out what to do. After getting it home I was able to confirm that it was a mourning dove fledgling. Interesting bit of info - they drink a special milk that their mothers make. After getting some very helpful advice, I realized the best course of action was to get this guy/girl back to his momma!
All the neighbors were helpful putting their cats and dogs in their houses for the evening so the little mourning dove would not get eaten. And luckily the storm had blown past. We tried to put him in a tree where I heard his mother calling but he fluttered right out. I ended up putting him in some shrubs instead. Hopefully he will make it! I've passed by several times today and keep seeing mommy mourning dove near the shrubs, so it looks like she's feeding the little one - hooray!

My kids were so excited by the whole adventure, it was pretty late before they fell asleep last night. Then to top it all off, we had to stop and move a box turtle out of the road today so it would not get hit!
What next?!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Yikes - I've been tagged!!!

Over the past few days I've gotten tagged, not once but twice (by Piglet Love and Signature Sterling ! I didn't even know in blogging terms what being "tagged" means, lol! I had to look it up! So here are the rules:
The Rules: Each player starts this game with 6 weird things about themselves. People who get tagged need to write on their own blog 6 weird things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says you're tagged in their comments and tell them to read your blog.So, without further ado...6 weird things about me:

1. I don't like most fried foods, but I LOVE fried dill pickles and fried green tomatoes. Seriously, I could eat enough to make myself sick.

2. If someone gave me a $100 shopping spree I would spend it on art supplies instead of shoes, clothes, or jewelry. Ok, if you are another artist or crafter you might not think this is weird, but a lot of my friends do.

3. I can wrap both my feet around the back of my head. No, I will NOT post a photo of this you'll just have to take my word for it. ;-)

4. You know how there are jokes and songs at Christmas time about how no one wants to eat the fruitcake. Well, I do - love it! Ok, don't ask me why, it is a little strange looking.

5. I do not like red roses. I know you probably think I am crazy, but I never have. I don't like how they get black around the edges as they die. I would prefer a bouquet of wildflowers over a dozen reds any day! My favorite flower? The lily of the valley - so small and sweet!

6. About 15 months ago I did not even know what blogs or forums were. Now, I have 3 blogs and I am a member of so many forums I could not even tell you how many. And now, I know what it means to be tagged! ;-)

Who I've tagged:
Sarah's Creations , My Babys Funky Junk , Beadiful Things , Ms.Belle , OneGirlieGirl , Such Pretty Colors
Have fun everyone!

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Too Early for Christmas???

It seems so strange that most of us have barely begun to think about fall, let alone Christmas, however so many retail stores are already putting out holiday items and decor! I am trying to keep up with it all, and have listed this "Cookies for Santa" plate in my shop which can be personalized with children's names or a family name. I will try to begin listing other holiday items this week including Christmas ornaments and Hanukkah tiles. Might be nice to think about the winter holidays when the weather here is close to 100 degrees!!!
Cookies for Santa Personalized Plate
can be found in my Etsy Shop
(just click on the link :-) )
I have also been BUSY with my THIRD Etsy shop Artistic Creations ! This shop features abstract paintings and pendants, as well as a few other surprises. Please stop by and check it out. :-)

Monday, July 23, 2007


Pumpkin To Do List Tile
(use with dry erase marker)
It is hard to believe it will soon be time for the kids to go back to school, fall will be here, and it will be time to decorate for Halloween!
I'm beginning to list some Halloween and fall themed items in my Etsy store. I am also getting ready for the Centerville Pumpkin Festival that will be here in Richmond. Even more exciting - Etsy will be sponsoring the Festival!
Hand painted Magnets available in my Etsy shop.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

the juggling act

hmm - how to do it all: the kids home for the summer, training a new puppy, trying to keep the house and laundry under control, listing items on etsy, filling orders, and of course - finding time to create and make the product. let's not forget time to blog as well. If only there were another 4 or 5 hours to each day, sigh. :-)

I did have time a few days ago to come up with a new birthday plate design. It also comes in pinks or blue. But I thought the circus colors were appropriate to list here - since life is a bit of a 3ring circus these days, lol!

Friday, June 29, 2007

How about a game of tic-tac-toe?

More of my hand painted magnets, but this time with a bit of a twist! Tic tac toe magnet sets! Perfect for those long summer car trips. These hand painted magnets stick to their container so they won't get lost in the back of your minivan!
I just loved painting these dragonflies and frogs in two of my favorite colors. I am going to paint a set for my boys to take along for our next dinner out.
I designed this set for those "girlie" girls who love their purses and shoes and of course had to paint them pink!!!

Monday, June 25, 2007

Starry Night Sweet Dreams Bunny - Blog Contest!

"Starry Night" Sweet Dreams Bunny 8"x10"
This little bunny is at it again! Traveling around the world and even into space as he dreams. He's been through a hillside, a field of flowers, and a starry night. Where should his dreams take him next???
Leave a comment on my blog page with your idea of where this bunny's adventures might lead him. If I use your idea for my next painting I will mail you a free print!

Fly Me to the Moon!

These are a couple of my recent paintings done in acrylic to hang in a child's room or nursery. Both of these and more can be found in my Etsy Shop. They both have a touch of silver paint for a bit of sparkle at night.
"Fly Me to the Moon" acrylic 8"x10"
"Sweet Dreams Bunny" (original design) 8"x10"
Sweet Dreams Bunny is a design I came up with when I was expecting our first child who is getting ready to turn 8 (where does the time go?). I wanted to come up with a unique nursery theme . . . came up with this little bunny who goes on all sorts of adventures in his dreams. I am going to do a series of these for my Etsy shop.

Monday, June 18, 2007

For the "Busy Bees" out there

I've created some new wipe off "To Do List Tiles". They are currently available in my Etsy Store at www.paintedforyou.etsy.com
"The Busy Bee To Do List Tile"
the perfect gift for those "busy bees" in your life who seem to running in a million directions. Here's a great way to make things run a little smoother for them. Tile comes with a hook or ribbon so it can be hung on a wall or sits nicely on a shelf, desk, or countertop in a little easel or stand. All tiles come with a dry erase marker.
"Dragonfly To Do List Tile"

Saturday, June 16, 2007

And More Magnets!

As promised, here are some magnets which are a little less "girly". For the boys or girls. I had so much fun painting this outer space set. The little green alien just makes me giggle.

Both sets are currently for sale at my Etsy Shop: http://www.paintedforyou.etsy.com

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

More Magnets!

I am having so much fun painting these tiny little one inch magnets! Here's a couple of my latest, both with a girly theme. I have also been working on some new designs for the boys which I will try to post tomorrow.
"Purses and Shoes" set of 3 mini magnets
"Tea cups and cupcake" set of 3 mini magnets
I think these would be great party favors for a little girls birthday party.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

My Latest Wipe Off To Do List Tile

Now available with
flowers!!!! This is for
you moms who need a little something girly for yourself. With two boys and husband, I have very little pink in my house, so I decided to make one of these for myself too!

Great gift idea for young girls, teens (the babysitter), teachers, and friends!

More flower colors coming soon!!! Have a favorite color or flower you'd like to see? Feel free to leave a comment and I'll do my best!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

June Weddings

I have not had a lot of time to paint new product designs this week since I have been busy with several portrait commissions for my Artwork by Andrea business. However, I have had a few orders for wedding tiles and plates since it is that time of year for June weddings. Here comes the bride!

Friday, June 1, 2007

So Many Ideas, So Little Time to Paint

My mind has been racing lately with new ideas for my new shop. I am really excited about these wipe off tiles that I've been creating. I think they'll make fun gifts, and serve as a special reminder of a special event. Here's my latest - the Happy Birthday Signature Tile.

The best part is you can either use a permanent marker for the signatures OR you can use a dry erase marker. Then take a photo of the signatures or birthday message for child's photo album or scrapbook. Then wipe off tile and use for another member of the family, or use it again the following year!!!

I started thinking about all the different designs I could put on these, now if I can only find the time to paint them! Sigh, maybe after taking care of the puppy, kids, housework, errands, ...... maybe I'll find some time later today. :-)

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Lots of new items today!

So many new items in my shop this weekend, I just had to post another! :-) I'm really excited about these new signature tiles. I had a brain storm a couple of nights ago when I could not sleep. These tiles work as dry erase boards - so they can be hung in the nursery to list feeding times and diaper changes . . . OR . . . use at a baby shower to have everyone sign with a permanent marker to keep as a treasured memory of the special day!

Fun New Magnets

1" painted ceramic tile magnets. You can get these cute little bugs as a set of 3, or get 6 or more in a fun metal carrying tin. Mix and match get several of the same - you decide!
6 magnets of your choice. You can get letters of a person's name and flowers. Extra magnets can be purchased for longer names. Up to 12 magnets can fit in a tin.

I had so much fun coming up with the idea for and then painting these cute little magnets. I've got ideas for more . . . . . so stay tuned!

Saturday, May 26, 2007

My New Blog and My New Store!

Happy Birthday!

This has been an exciting and busy month for me. I decided to open a second store at Etsy.com to feature my hand painted plates and tiles. So far, I am happy to say, my store has been well received. I am enjoying painting with bright cheerful colors. I find myself throughout the day thinking of whimsical designs I can incorporate into my products. I seem to be on a creative roll lately, coming up with lots of new product ideas. I will be featuring some of these here over the next couple of days.
Feel free to visit me at my Etsy Store at www.paintedforyou.etsy.com