We had a bit of excitement at our house last night. Driving back into our neighborhood after going out to eat last night I spotted this little fledgling in the middle of the road. I had my husband stop the car to let me out so I could see what the situation was. Although the little one could flutter a bit he/she was not flying yet. Probably a day or two from being properly fledged.

Since the neighbors dogs were out and it was about to storm I decided to take it home and figure out what to do. After getting it home I was able to confirm that it was a mourning dove fledgling. Interesting bit of info - they drink a special milk that their mothers make. After getting some very helpful advice, I realized the best course of action was to get this guy/girl back to his momma!
All the neighbors were helpful putting their cats and dogs in their houses for the evening so the little mourning dove would not get eaten. And luckily the storm had blown past. We tried to put him in a tree where I heard his mother calling but he fluttered right out. I ended up putting him in some shrubs instead. Hopefully he will make it! I've passed by several times today and keep seeing mommy mourning dove near the shrubs, so it looks like she's feeding the little one - hooray!
My kids were so excited by the whole adventure, it was pretty late before they fell asleep last night. Then to top it all off, we had to stop and move a box turtle out of the road today so it would not get hit!
What next?!
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